Years ago when we were young, we went to a few yacht club meets in our Contessa 26, Barnacle Goose. All the other boats were much bigger and grander, with…

We arrived at Neyland to find Aurial returned to her usual berth after the repairs to the fractured pontoon piles. Not only is she now closer to the access bridge…

Bareboat charter

Before you sell up and sail away from the UK, ask yourself: is the liveaboard life for you? Try it on a bareboat charter somewhere exotic to find out

There are a myriad of occurrences that prevent sailing trips. Some of them are unavoidable evils, such as work and hurricanes, but some can also be rather fun. Although we…

In our dreams, and seeking pastures new, we sailed Aurial away to explore more of the myriad nooks and crannies that surround our glorious coastline. The weather was fine, as…

While Good Friday was a day stolen from the Angels, Easter Saturday and Sunday belonged to Lucifer. Friday saw the yachting community at Neyland Marina enjoying the bright warm sunny…

North or South, that is the question: whether ’tis nobler in the yachtsman to seek the sleet and icebergs of outrageous Northlands? Or to bare arms upon a sea of…

Tom Cunliffe

This was my log entry for 25 March 1977: ‘1400 – Horrified to witness the formation of a waterspout about a mile to leeward. Started like a cloud on the…