Discovering the unknown and finding places you have never been to before is one of the greatest appeals of sailing beyond our home waters. Entering unfamiliar harbours can, however, be…

Eyeball pilotage is essential when sailing in areas like the Channel Islands

Getting close in to the coast to explore a tidal channel or find a snug anchorage is rewarding but close attention must be paid to the visual clues, says Ken…

A yacht cruising past a wind farm

Wind farms want to restrict where yachts can sail around them. The RYA is fighting for freedom of navigation. Stuart Carruthers told Toby Heppell precisely what you can and can’t…

Clipper Seaplanes are the only company to fly seaplanes in the UK

The UK's only seaplane can now only land on the Medway near the main channel, causing concern for sailors and for the pilots who prefer sheltered shallow water

Diagram with thanks to Roger Gaspar and to Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd

Buoyage for the East Swin in the Thames Estuary is being moved to keep yachts away from a live firing range, according to the East Coast Pilot